Last Saturday, on 07 November 2015, the management of BLS CUSTOS GROUP participated in meeting of Operational headquarter in respect of the issues related to suspension of flights to the Arab Republic of Egypt.
In accordance with international regulations in aviation, each airline, which transferred a part of its functions to outsourcing company, should perform an audit of such companies.
From 2 to 4 of June 2015 in Europe the management of BLS CUSTOS GROUP held presentations of the results of the airlines activity (the clients of BLS CUSTOS GROUP) for the previous insurance period for European reinsurance partners.
On February 26, 2015 leading aviation specialists of BLS CUSTOS GROUP will participate in the VIth International Conference “Aviation and Space Insurance in Russia” in which traditionally participate representatives of companies (members of RAASI) of international reinsurance market, brokers and lawyers specializing on aviation and space subjects.
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