The Clients of BLS CUSTOS GROUP, LLC have an opportunity, in addition to legal services provided by our Company, to use accounting support services, accounting and tax consulting services, tax liability minimization services, etc.

The team of our accountants and accounting and tax consultants was joined by, among others, specialists with many years of experience in Russian airlines.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation declared the penalty recovery from the Client of BLS CUSTOS GROUP illegal and revoked the court’s order.

BLS CUSTOS GROUP, LLC has established a Translation Agency for the convenience of its Clients. It fulfills orders for professional translation of documents from/into foreign languages on legal, financial and other topics of commercial activities of the Company's Clients. The start of rendering translation services was preceded by the creation of the Quality Management System and confirmation by the Agency's translators of their professional competence.

BLS CUSTOS GROUP, LLC entered the market of legal services in the Republic of Kazakhstan in January 2023. The Company's lawyers provide legal support of the Clients' activities in Astana and Almaty in accordance with the national law and international rules.

Due to imposing of a great number of restrictive measures (sanctions) by unfriendly countries, which directly affect the aviation industry, BLS CUSTOS GROUP has established a monitoring group, whose lawyers permanently keep a close watch on new sanctions restrictions in the field of aviation, as well as responsive amendments in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

This year BLS CUSTOS GROUP, LLC has elected a legal representative in the Republic of Armenia, who was successfully educated to provide legal services in accordance with the Quality Standards of BLS CUSTOS GROUP, LLC.

Experience of our international lawyers in the aviation sector has already been used in the projects on establishing a new airline at Zvartnots airport (Yerevan) and organizing comprehensive legal services for a major business structure in Armenia.

BLS CUSTOS GROUP lawyers secured legal support for two regional turboprop ATR-72 aircraft acquisition by JSC JSC Krasavia as a part of fleet renovation procedure.

The foreign airline had authorized customs clearance of its aircraft at one of Moscow Airports to the handling agent, who stated incorrect information about the aircraft when applying for the customs procedure of the temporary import.

Due to world-wide spreading of new coronavirus infection since March 2020, the air communication between Russia and other countries was stopped cold, this led to impossibility for tour operators to provide touristic services in the sphere of outbound tourism.
The issue of depositing by air carriers the funds of the passengers who were unable to use air service due to spreading of the coronavirus, but want to use their tickets after the restrictions are lifted, requires  prompt legislative actions.
A legal action was brought against BLS CUSTOS GROUP client, who has recently acquired a new business project.  The claim was about recovery of damages supposedly incurred in the result of intellectual property rights violation.
Marina Rastopina was appointed as a head of the separate structural department of BLS CUSTOS GROUP in St. Petersburg.

The managers of mobile operator refused to pay remuneration to contractor (BLS CUSTOS GROUP Client) for promotion of the trademark in Internet and stopped any contacts with contractor referring to absence of written contract. 

BLS CUSTOS GROUP lawyers have completed the legal processing of acquisition of one of the Russian business aviation airline operating foreign aircraft.
BLS CUSTOC GROUP lawyers have achieved in court the declaration of customs authority decisions to be illegal. These decisions imposed on the airline of business aviation the penalty in the amount of doubled agreed value of the aircraft as well as confiscation of the aircraft.
Law Company BLS CUSTOS GROUP forged a partnership with MAINS INSURANCE STRATEGIES having signed the cooperation agreement.

October 14, 2016 in Saint Petersburg, the specialists of Law Company BLS CUSTOS GROUP participated in the Sixth Research-to-Practice Conference on air law.

A new certificate of professional liability insurance of BLS CUSTOS GROUP which is valid from 01 May 2016 was issued by Open Joint Stock Company AlfaStrakhovanie.
BLS CUSTOS GROUP has rendered one another Legal Opinion under the Russian Federation Law in favor of one of the largest leasing company - GE Capital Aviation Services Limited (GECAS).
According to the sixth annual rating of Russian law firms – “Pravo.Ru-300” BLS CUSTOS GROUP enters a TOP-50 based on the results of its  activity in 2015.
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